Travel Reimbursement

Registration is Now Open!

In-Person Registration

To register for Livestream (virtual) only, go here.


In-Person Registrant Type

Early-Bird Rate
(Ends January 31, 2024)

Advance Rate
(Ends February 29, 2024)

Regular Rate
(Ends March 24, 2024)

On-Site Rate

Individual, Non-Profit/Government $750 $825 $875 $925
Group, Non-Profit/Government ** $700 $775 $825 $875
Individual, For-Profit $925 $1025 $1125 $1225
Speaker or Poster Presenter ** $675 $675 $825 $875
Student ** $300 $325 $350 $375
Single Day $425 $525 $625 $725

Livestream Registration


Full Livestream Registration Includes:

      • 50+ hours of streamed on-demand content (it will be an extensive amount)
      • All 3 plenaries and 4-6 sessions at a time during the Summit will be streamed
      • Select Breakout Sessions
      • NACCHO-Sponsored Town Halls
      • General Sessions & Select Sessions with live Q&A participation
      • On-demand access to select posters
      • Access to live-streamed presentation slides and live-streamed session transcripts
      • Access to content up to 90 days after the conference

General Sessions & Select Sessions will be streamed LIVE at the time indicated in the schedule (times listed are in Eastern Time) and available for viewing on-demand after the conference. Look for the Livestream Icon next to the session to see if it will be livestreamed.

Select Posters will be available for viewing in the conference platform.

***Please note, not ALL live sessions are being streamed and recorded.***

Livestream Registration Type

Early-Bird Rate
(Ends January 31, 2024)

Advance Rate
(Ends February 29, 2024)

Regular Rate
(Ends March 24, 2023)

Individual, Non-Profit/Government $475 $525 $525
Individual, For-Profit $625 $675 $675
Speaker or Presenter ** $450 $500 $500
Student ** $275 $300 $300

See You in March 2024!

Things to Know

Submitting Payment

We must receive your credit card payment/check payment in full, or completed PO with invoice reference by Monday, March 18, 2024. Full payment, refund, and cancellation policies can be found on the Registration Terms & Conditions page and on our FAQ page.

Full Registration Terms & Conditions

Please visit our the "Full Registration Terms & Conditions" page to learn more.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of participants is our highest priority. Read more about how we plan to keep conference attendees safe on the Health & Safety webpage.

** Discounted Rates

The group rate becomes available when you register 3 or more individuals at once.  See Registering Someone Else or Registering a Group for more information.

The student rate is available for full-time students. Before registering, students should email their student ID or other proof of enrollment.

The speaker or poster presenter rate is available to individuals that have been approved as a speaker or poster presenter at the Preparedness Summit.


For registration questions and information, please email the registration department at

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